These exercises, supplemental to your in-class instruction, are meant to help you learn fundamental ways to move and do things in your Taekwon-Do training. They are not meant to be done quickly or fast so remember to do them at your own pace. Learning to feel what your body is doing is one of the main purposes. For example, if your balance isn’t right you’ll know it (you will wobble).
As you practice pay attention to how you feel doing the techniques. Perfection isn’t the goal, learning is. You are encouraged to check in with your seniors and Instructor for feedback and discussion.
More detailed instructions are provided at the bottom of this page for those students interested in more in-depth explanations. Newer students are not expected to digest them.
With hands open and relaxed at the student's side, assume jun-bi position in a parallel ready stance. Ensure that your weight is forward on your feet, balanced on the balls. Push the air in your lungs downward so that it fills your center and you are prepared to act.
Lower your body as you place your right foot behind your body to assume a walking stance while simultaneously executing a middlesection double-forearm knife-arm clearing block. Avoid the natural tendency to enter the walking stance position by throwing your upper body backwards. Rather, consider that your "main mass" or center (stomach, hips, lower back, buttocks) will only move less than a foot, while you are extending your right leg away from your center. When executing the block, think of the entire area from the elbow to the tips of your fingers as one unified blocking tool.
Pull forward into a right front knee-strike while pulling your hands back to your hips as closed fists and "freeze" yourself in the one-legged stance at the point of "impact." Think of moving your center into the strike and that the knee is merely the focal point--when the strike is completed you are standing still. Your center should come slightly forward in this maneuver, but your head should not rise. There should be a distinct pause before beginning the next motion. Be certain that your posture remains straight and check to see if your shoulders are relaxed (if not, relax them as they cannot contribute to a knee strike). When pulling your hands back, act as though you were grabbing your opponent's clothing and pulling your opponent into your knee strike.
Turn your head 90 degrees to the left, and then, using your center, spiral your torso 90 degrees to the left and extend your right leg backwards into a walking stance while executing a middle-section double-forearm knife-arm clearing block. Use your stomach muscles to turn your torso. Be certain that your shoulders do not turn when you initially turn your head 90 degrees. Place your right foot into the walking stance by extending it from your center, do not let gravity control the motion.
Repeat steps 3 & 4 until you are facing the direction where you began the Exercise.
Return to jun-bi position in a parallel ready stance. Pull your right leg toward your center and gather yourself into the jun-bi position. Avoid springing off the right leg or falling forward.
Repeat for left side (the same comments apply)
Lower your body as you place your left foot behind your body to assume a walking stance while simultaneously executing a middlesection double-forearm knife-arm clearing block.
Pull forward into a left front knee-strike while pulling your hands back to your hips as closed fists and "freeze" yourself in the one-legged stance at the point of "impact." .
Turn your head 90 degrees to the right, and then, using your center, spiral your torso 90 degrees to the right and extend your left leg backwards into a walking stance while executing a middle-section double-forearm knife-arm clearing block.
Repeat steps 8 & 9 until you are facing the direction where you began the exercise.
Return to jun-bi position in a parallel ready stance.
RJA 9-10-09